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Our Story

Founded by friends Jo and Clare in in 2020, Kids Closet is a Brisbane born business dedicated to providing quality, sustainable, stylish and affordable kid’s clothing.

Originally inspired by sister company The Closet - a sustainable shopping option for women's clothes – Jo and Clare felt there was a gap in the market for a kid’s version. They didn’t want to be stuck with only fast fashion or seriously expensive options, and both felt that op shopping for kid’s clothes is basically impossible – you can never find what you need nor find the time to do it.

The unique part of Kids Closet, is that like sister company The Closet – you can sell your clothes too. The idea came after noticing that people hold onto things they don’t need simply because they don’t know what to do with them. It’s a liberating thing to create space in your house and in your life, and to know that items are being used rather than gathering dust and mould. It also doesn’t hurt to make a little money on the side!

The founders have children of their own. Jo 2 boys (and 2 fluffy cats), loves her friends, family and the ocean. She is passionate about being kind to people and the environment. Clare, mum of 1 (a fan of wildlife, recycling and minimalism) has the same values - and the step to start a business was a clear next step for the pair.

Jo and Clare’s vision is for everyone to consider the quantity as well as the quality of what we purchase. Everyone has a responsibility to the next generation to reduce consumption in all aspects of our lives.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting Kids Closet and hope you enjoy buying and/or selling your pre loved kids clothing! 

Jo and Clare xx