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It's time to declutter.

Posted by Kids Closet on


Any time of year is a good time to take a look around your house and figure out what you really need by de-cluttering, but there's something about a change of season, and springtime especially, that is inspiring for this type of activity. Perhaps it's the longer days or propensity to open the house up to fresh air that triggers the idea to look around, open up the cupboards and freshen everything up. Whenever you decide it's time for a de clutter, it is most definitely a satisfying and rewarding process.

 If you're reading this then you are probably a parent. We know your time is very limited and your life is probably filled with things you no longer need. There is a lot of content out there to support and explain de cluttering. We want to share with you our best tips and favourite experts.

10 Tips for de cluttering your home - Joshua Becker

 We like this website for it's simple tips on de cluttering. The tips here can be incorporated into everyday life so de cluttering becomes a processes you do while you carry on with your daily activities. For example, you may notice an item of clothing that you haven't worn for a while hanging in your wardrobe. Minimalist expert Joshua Becker recommends reversing the hanger with that item and if you find you still haven't worn the item after a few months, you probably don't need it.

Marie Kondo

I'm sure you've heard of Marie Kondo. She is the person everyone associates with de cluttering. While the 'does it spark joy' approach is a great way to figure out what you want to hold on to and what you can remove from your life, our favourite take away is this. Folding. Yes, Marie Kondo's folding technique is an absolute must for us here at Kids Closet. Kids clothes in small sizes are really hard to fold neatly. We have never looked back after discovering this folding technique, which is special because it guarantees you will always be able to clearly see your clothes (or your children's clothes) at a glance.

How to fold clothes 

 The Minimalists

 These two guys from Dayton Ohio are a bit of a favourite of Kids Closet. They have inspired thousands of people to consider more carefully what they buy and why. They have so much incredible free content including podcasts and blogs that discuss minimalism on a basic level, to deep diving into the philosophical aspects of de cluttering and minimalism. For something a bit extreme, but good fun, we recommend the 30 day minimalist game.

The 30 day minimalist game 

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